Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Big Three - and Second World Countries

Really fascinating article in the NY times magazine. I believe it's excerpted from a book. It's long, about 8 pages. If you're not up for the length, I'd suggest reading the first page, and then the last two pages. He (or she) talks about the lack of American Hagemony in the world, in deference to a big three of superpowers, America, the EU, and China. America is facing a new position in the 21st century. What's dope about this article is that the author actually suggests how we might go forward in the world. How we might actually deal with the changes of globalization. How terrific. Someone not just telling us how it's going to change, but to give us solutions too. America may be facing a new position on the world, but it may not be such a bad thing. Interesting.

Read HERE.


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