Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Science of Sleep

One of the reasons I don't like waking up in the morning is because every once and a while I have dreams in which the emotions are so powerful that I'm really affected when I get up. Does that ever happen to you? The emotions in dreams can be overwhelming. Sometimes they can really affect your mood when you wake up, either in the middle of the night or in the morning. It always takes a little while to separate yourself from the feelings of your dreams.

Generally, emotions, especially unexpected emotions are amazing things. Most of the day, we don't really feel any emotions. We just sort of live at an even level and we go about our day. Every now and again, however, something someone says, some words trigger some awful feelings within us. Even if we think we shouldn't be affected, we are. In some way that's the power of movies. You never know you're going to be affected until you are. Even though you know it's a movie, nothing but light and shadow, you can't help feeling what you feel.

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