Thursday, January 28, 2010

The John Mayer Complex

Hi. Been a while.

So, tonight, I watched, relatively, the last 40 minutes of Story-Tellers with John Mayer. I like John Mayer, sorta.

Here's the problem. John Mayer is an above average singer/song writer. I mean he's pretty good, and he deserves a lot of credit for being talented. I could see a world where he wasn't as famous as he is, but he's extremely marketable. At least, unlike some famous musicians, he actually has the talent to be there. The issue is with his attitude.

He's not mean, and he doesn't punch babies. He just comes off as being particularly arrogant. He lauds himself, and sees himself as someone who is important. In many ways, this is narcissistic, and in some ways, it's sorta refreshing. While no one likes anyone who takes themselves too seriously, we often get sort of disheartened when someone, usually an artist type, doesn't take seriously what they do. Or they make it seem like they stumbled on it. Mayer really believes in the importance of what he's doing - which is good, though sometimes he does take himself too seriously.

What do you think?


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