Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Time to Get a Move On

With a witty title like that, you would think I would be talking about or something, but no, I'm not that witty or topical. It's 2009 people. We've got to wake up. Is it going to be Barackalacka ding dong or HillRodimus Prime doing the political mumbo jumbo in Noverbercon?

Honestly, I think neither. Hear me out.

So picture this: you've got two wolves circling each other in the wild. They're hungry, and there is nothing to eat but each other. They each go for a tasty bite, and then another, and pretty soon they've devoured each other. Now, imagine that the candidates are doing this. They R doing fact so much so that I didn't even feel I needed to write the word "are". Now, imagine a third wolf shows up and just stands there, like an idiot.

This is where Howard Dean comes in. No, seriously. The guy got the shaft last election, and now he's the head of the party. He's biding his time, people. He's making all sorts of claims about how "the results won't matter" and how "the candidate needs to be electable". Let me ask you this. If I make the rules to a game, and you're playing my game, won't I change the rules so that I can win? I mean, this guy could declare himself the high overlord of Democratania if he wanted to. Now, I'm sure there are things like "delegates" and "representatives" to deal with, and some sort of "convention", but don't you think the best candidate will find a way around these things?

After all, the Dems need to beat the Republicans at their own game...

Electoral Politics.

And Handball.

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